Accounts Receivable

Cash flow and revenue management are among the most critical factors forrunning a professional practice successfully. To drive your business growth and excellence, CTech provides RCM solutions to effectively manage your revenue flow and reduce the accounts receivable days. Our proven revenue management services will improve operational cash flow by reducing bad debt and write-offs. We manage customer revenue risk while improving customer relationships at the same time.

In a typical healthcare system, about 20% of rejected claims are never resubmitted. A maze of policies, billing requirements and regulations combined with complex managed care contracts contribute to the number of denials that go unattended. A Denial Management system can help you take control of your denials for more efficient claims processing and accelerated reimbursements. Our Denial Management solution can help you quickly uncover and correct the problems that lead to denials, shorten your revenue cycle and enhance your cash flow. Effective denial management allows you to develop crosswalks between individual payer codes and common denial reason codes for trend tracking. The capabilities we offer isolate and resolve such weaknesses in billing, registration and coding process that could otherwise tie up millions of dollars in unpaid claims.

CTech helps in resolving healthcare providers' growing problems with payer denials - the increasing incidence of insurers declining to cover submitted claims for any of a variety of clinical, technical and other reasons.We are able to identifywhich payers or insurance companies have historically denied payment, as well as which departments in your facility are encountering a high volume of denials. With access to such critical information we can improve your claims processing to not only recover lost revenue but increase the likelihood that the claims will be accepted on first submission.

CTech also includes on-time reporting of the following:

  • Payer Punctuality
  • Payer Mix
  • Aging Analysis
  • Procedure Code Analysis
  • Insurance Analysis
  • Cash Collection Analysis
  • Under Payment Analysis
  • Expected Collection Report, Charges, Payments and Adjustments
  • AR Analysis
  • Aggressive Insurance aging Follow-up
  • Self-pay Follow-up
  • Patient call center