Practice Analytics

Using our proven processes and technologies, CTech is able to assess the overall financial health and long-term viability of a practice and provide valuable insight.

Typically, the starting point is a data-driven detailed analysis of electronic Claims data (de-identified or otherwise) and spotting any odd patterns and anomalies there. Conducting a similar detailed analysis of practice’s payroll, office expenses, financial policies towards patient collections are just the first few steps.

Identifying problems, driving process changes and ultimately improving cash flow is our goal. No matter the size of your practice, CTech's practice analytics will prove to be invaluable.

A few of the assessments CTech offers to practices include:

  • Identifying problematic procedures and services
  • Analysis of patterns and trends
  • Analysis of Contractual Agreements with payers and any differences between contracted and paid rates
  • Product line analysis based on collection and expenses
  • Financial and compliance policies – patients, payers and regulatory agencies
  • Benchmarks related to other similar practices

Based on the above assessments, CTech offers assistance in the following:

  • Implementing best practices
  • Providing practical ideas for improvements
  • Making adjustments to day-to-day work processes
  • Overcoming any potential compliance red flags
  • Assistance with MIPS
  • Reducing denials and rejections
  • Raising awareness regarding potentially problematic claims submission
  • Improving contract negotiations